Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November is American Diabetes Month

Since people with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing some oral health problems, this is a good reminder of the importance of staying. Some of the common oral health problems associated with diabetes are: gum disease, fungal infections, infections and delayed healing. Periodontal (gum disease) is no laughing matter; it's also connected to heart disease and other health-related issues.

Our friends at tell us:

Diabetic patients are more likely to develop periodontal disease, which in turn can increase blood sugar and diabetic complications.
People with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes, probably because people with diabetes are more susceptible to contracting infections. In fact, periodontal disease is often considered a complication of diabetes. Those people who don't have their diabetes under control are especially at risk.

Research has suggested that the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes goes both ways - periodontal disease may make it more difficult for people who have diabetes to control their blood sugar.

Severe periodontal disease can increase blood sugar, contributing to increased periods of time when the body functions with a high blood sugar. This puts people with diabetes at increased risk for diabetic complications

For more information and to watch a video on how diabetes can impact your oral health, visit the
MouthHealthy A-Z page on Diabetes.

Ready to learn more and schedule your appointment?
We are accepting new patients, and both of our doctors at Coulter Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA have experience in treating patients with gum disease. Give us a call today at (509) 924-1314 or visit our website for more information!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Season of Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving and live in this season of thankfulness, we want to send our thanks and appreciation to our patients and community. Without your patronage and service, we would not exist! Dr. Travis Coulter, Dr. Elizabeth van den Hoven, and the staff at Coulter Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA strive for meeting your individual needs; not seeing people in terms of their teeth, but treating the whole person and helping them on a road to longer living in a healthy way.

We also thank the military personnel that have served in the past for our country and those that are serving now, away from family and friends.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday - to you and yours!

The Staff of Coulter Family Dentistry

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Can You Afford to Skip Dental Care?

We all know life can be busy, but don’t neglect your oral health. Your dental care is just as important now as it was when you were a kid. Untreated dental disease can lead to serious health problems such as infection, damage to bone or nerve and tooth loss. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day and see your Spokane Valley, WA dentist regularly.

In the current economic crunch, it may be tempting to skimp on dental care. But you will not save money in the long run by ignoring your dental health and you might endanger your child's health or your own.

We want to help you keep more of your money for other essentials and that is why we encourage you to get regular dental checkups. Insurance companies know that prevention is far less costly than cures and that is why most policies cover routine dental checkup and cleanings.

The best way to avoid more expensive dental procedures is to follow a home dental hygiene program and maintain regular checkups to identify issues before they become full-blown problems needing costly intervention.

Fact Check:
Did you know that the average adult between the ages of 20 and 64 has three or more decayed or missing teeth? If you are missing one or more teeth, there are plenty of reasons to correct the problem. Your dentists at Coulter Family Dentistry have many treatments to restore your smile.

The ADA website has many great resources for kids and adults of all ages - and Drs Coulter and van den Hoven recommend that you visit the pages often for great information on keeping mouth healthy all year long!

To learn more, visit pages on

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment With Dr. Coulter and Dr. van den Hoven?
We look forward to welcoming new and returning patients! Has it been a few years since we've seen your family? We still consider you our patient and we would love to see you back in the office to check up on your dental health and assist you in getting back on a healthy track. Request Your Appointment Online, or call us today at 509-924-1314!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits!

Toward the end of the year, our office typically gets an increase in phone calls from patients looking to schedule an end of year cleaning or restorative appointment and use their insurance benefits before they lapse December 31st.

Many patients sometimes don't realize that they can't carry over benefit maximums from year to year (with limited exceptions - check with your plan administrator to see if your plan qualifies for a rollover.) With premiums increasing in cost from year to year, it's important that you use the monies that you've been allotted - otherwise you've just given the insurance company back a chunk of free cash.

Why Should You Use Your Benefits Now?

1. Yearly Maximum: Most insurances have a year maximum of around $1,000. Unused benefits do not roll over at the end of the year.

2. Deductible: Deductibles vary but usually are around $50 per year. This decutible may reset at the beginning of the year.

3. Premiums: If you are paying monthly premiums you should be using your dental benefits. Regular cleanings can help prevent more serious treatments later.

4. Fee Increases: Health care costs and insurance continue to rise. Most fee adjustments are made at the beginning of the year including increases in copays and deductibles.

5. Dental Problems Can Worsen: By delaying treatment you risk more extensive treatment later. A simple cavity now could be a root canal later.

Read the full article on here.

We still have appointments available in our Spokane Valley, WA dental office with Dr. Travis Coulter and Dr. Elizabeth van den Hoven, and we'd love to see you! Please call our office at (509) 924-1314 to schedule your appointment before time runs out.