Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sip All Day - Get Decay!

Dental Health in Spokane Valley, WA
Image Courtesy of dentalgentalcare.com
It is well known that sugar can promote obesity, tooth decay, and a wealth of other health issues. but do we realize just how much sugar is in our food and snacks? Here at Coulter Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA we understand that a healthy diet is just as important as regular visits to the dentists or hygienist. Our friends at the Minnesota Dental Association have put together a campaign to teach children and families about the harmful effects of soda drinking.

Here's how you get cavities
  • Sugar in pop combines with bacteria in your mouth to form acid.
  • Diet or "sugar-free" pop contains its own acid.
  • Acid in soft drinks, whether they contain sugar or not, is the primary cause of weakening tooth enamel.
  • The acid attacks your teeth. Each acid attack lasts about 20 minutes.
  • The acid attack starts over again with every sip.
  • Ongoing acid attacks weaken your tooth enamel.
  • Bacteria in your mouth cause cavities when tooth enamel is damaged.
How to reduce decay
  • Drink soft drinks in moderation.
  • Don't sip for extended periods of time. Ongoing sipping prolongs sugar and acid attacks on your teeth.
  • Use a straw to keep the sugar away from your teeth.
  • After drinking, swish your mouth out with water to dilute the sugar.

To learn more about the research Minnesota Dental Association has completed, visit their website here!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Flouride - Nature's Cavity Fighter!

Healthy kids in Spokane Valley
Healthy Teeth For Life

Many children in Washington suffer from dental pain caused by disease and decay. These children have limited access to preventive dental care, and may not even have access to restorative care (filling teeth, extracting decayed teeth). Dental decay is one of the most often cited reasons for missed days of school, and impacts our community's most vulnerable. For this reason, Dr. Travis Coulter and Dr. Elizabeth van den Hoven at Coulter Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA join the ADA and Washington State Dental Association to support water fluoridation to prevent dental disease.

Fluoride is nature's cavity fighter, occurring naturally in the earth's crust, in combination with other minerals in rocks and soil. Small amounts of fluoride occur naturally in all water sources, and varying amounts of the mineral are found in all foods and beverages. Water fluoridation is the process of adjusting the natural level of fluoride to a concentration sufficient to protect against tooth decay. Flouride minerals bind to enamel to strengthen the structure of the tooth, and this can be key for children as their teeth develop.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Children's Dental Health Month

February is National Children's Dental Health Month, and all across the United States, dental associations participate in Give Kids A Smile Day - a day of free dental care. Many children suffer from decayed and abscessed teeth in Oregon, as a result of poor diet, poor hygiene, and lack of access to preventive dental care.

Coulter Family Dentistry - Your Dentist in Spokane Valley
Age 1 Dental Visits - Healthy Teeth For Life!
At Coulter Family Dentistry, we advocate for children's health and recommend children begin dental visits at age 1, or when teeth first come in (per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guidelines). This helps ensure that children become familiar with visiting the dentist on a regular basis, alleviating any anxiety or fear. It also creates a comforting and recognized environment for your child, should a dental emergency occur.

Although children have baby teeth (primary dentition) that will eventually exfoliate (fall out), it is highly important that those teeth remain free of decay and disease. Not only does decay cause pain and other illness, but children need their teeth as they learn to speak, and to assist in proper jaw and facial development.

To learn more about children's oral health and visit your dentist in Spokane Valley, WA, visit our website or call us at (509) 209-8747.